396034, Russia, Voronezh region Ramon district,. Novozhivotinnoe Str. Highway, Building 14 A, office 1


Company name: Starch and Syrup Plant LLC "SP Don"
Address: 396034, Russia, Voronezh region Ramon district,. Novozhivotinnoe Str. Highway, Building 14 A, office 1
Phone: ­+7 (473) 203-01-07
+7 (499) 404-21-44
E-mail: trade@sp-don.ru­

Location map


If you need advice or would like to contact the company representative with a proposal, please, fill in the form below. Within 24 hours, your message will be processed and we will contact you.

We do not work with individuals.

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Russia, Voronezh region Ramon district,
Novozhivotinnoe Str. Highway,
Building 14 A, office 1
E-mail: trade@sp-don.ru