396034, Russia, Voronezh region Ramon district,. Novozhivotinnoe Str. Highway, Building 14 A, office 1
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About the company

Agricultural Holding "SP Don" is fully integrated starch producers which grow own corn and process it on nearly built factory.

Holding processes 8,800 hectares of the farm land in the Ramon district of Voronezh region. SP Don uses its own capacities to cultivate the land: modern agricultural equipment, including John Deere tractors and harvesters Acros, drying facilities and 12 storage facilities. SP Don employs more than 150 people in agricultural part of the business.

Starch and syrup processing plant Agricultural Enterprise Don

The factory for starch production was launched on 2016. The capacity of the factory is to process up to 300 tons of corn into starch and syrups. Factory is investing in RnD and development of new types of modified starches that have high demand at paper, food and other productions. Factory employs around 150 people.

Our Advantages

  • Own raw material base. Own efficient agricultural production guarantees price and quality of raw materials and allows to grow specialized species of corn.
  • High demand base. in the first phase of the project the plant would process:
    • Starch - a commodity used in a wide range of industries, ranging from food and ending with the oil (well drilling);
    • Molasses and glucose and fruit syrups - an effective substitute sugar substitute in the confectionery industry;
    • Gluten - an important component of the feed for growing beef cattle.
  • The flexible structure of production. The plant was built with a reserve power, which will allow to increase production or dynamically change the output percentage of molasses / starches with minimal cost, depending on market conditions.
  • The plant has additional social role for the region – the project includes construction in cooperation with local government of waste treatment plants that would serve both factory and rural settlement needs. The factory was granted the status of the especially important in Voronezh region.
  • Opportunities to produce innovative products. The
  • Opportunities for increase of production. The factory was developed under individual project that allows the factory to double production with minimal investments.

Economic Importance

The corn processing industry is considered as one of the priority directions of the development of the agriculture in Russian federation, what is reflected in program “production and processing of corn in Russian Federation 2013-2015”. As part of the innovation production investments into starch production is subsidised by federal program. In 2015 there were processed 1.2 mln tons of corn, what is 25% larger than in 2012. The production of syrups doubled. Nevertheless, Russia is still pretty much dependant on the imports of starches, especially modified starches. The average per capita consumption of corn starch is 4 kg, what is only 20% of EU average.

Участник проекта Производительность.РФ


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Russia, Voronezh region Ramon district,
Novozhivotinnoe Str. Highway,
Building 14 A, office 1
E-mail: trade@sp-don.ru